Occupational Hazards

I #jump on the #late #ferry and see a #new ferryman. “Where’s Mort?” I ask. “Fell overboard and his #essence dissolved,” says the #bony figure without a trace of #compassion. The commute to the underworld is like that sometimes, I think, squinting against the #salt spray.

#vss365 #sunthing #flexvss #366FF #vssmagic #whistpr #bravewrite #winterwords


As the #vultures circled the #gallimaufry of Aunt Meg’s estate, Liz found the loose #fireplace brick Aunt Meg had promised would bring an #epiphany. What was wrapped in this #new #babushka, in a dark corner among the #splendour? A brass key and a book: Meg’s Potions and Spells.

#whistpr #brieflywrite #vsswinter #366FF #flexvss #bravewrite #vss365

Modern Art

“It’s the #unity of humanity’s #vanguard marching at the #winter #solstice through the #isolation of a heavy #snow.” “Is that…a big #bug with doorknobs for its shoulders, knees, and toes?” “Yes, for leaving the door to our original thoughts #ajar.” “It’s #original, for sure.”

#366FF #vssmagic #vss365 #vsswinter #sunthing #vsschristmas #flexvss #brieflywrite #bravewrite #whistpr

Bringing Home the Tree

The #flurries turn into a #blizzard as he trudges into the #evergreen forest. He #focuses on a tall, full pine standing #stalwart. “This one is #mine,” he says, raising his #ax. “May I help you, sir?” The daydream clears and Steve is once again standing in Home Depot.

#vsschristmas #winterwords #bravewrite #366FF #vss365 #flexvss #whistpr

North Pole Progressives

The newest #apprentice to the gift-#wrapping #elves corps stared at the #snowman outside the transport #tunnel. “Is that a #purple scarf?” he asked, wincing as if in #pain. “Yeah, Santa had a “Red and Green Only” rule but some guy sued and the Elf Court #overturned it.”

#vssmagic #vsschristmas #366FF #winterwords #whistpr #flexvss #bravewrite #vss365

The Long Advent

Matron sends me to fetch Lucy for lunch. She’s on the roof, #observing the sky. “What are you #waiting for, #reindeer? It’s still #summer. Seems a bit #foolish.” She stays #silent. I sit and she hands me a sandwich. The clouds look like #snowflakes as we have our own #holiday.

#366FF #bravewrite #vsschristmas #whistpr #vssmagic #vss365 #winterwords