The Curio Shop

“Harry sent me.” Unsettling things crowded the dusty shelves. Joe shivered. “What is this place?”

“I make #connections between #collectors whose interests have a certain #diversity. Like this #skull of a #lovesick man drowned in #freezing waters. Harry’s right. You’re perfect.”

#vss365 #vssdaily #bravewrite #vssparanormal #366FF #vsshorror

A Rude Awakening

#Shuffling #bravely down the dark #passageway, Ruby wondered where she could be. The last thing she remembered was reading a #rare book of #poetry by an ancient #oracle. The distant light came into focus. It was…a #marquee? WELCOME TO #PURGATORY it flashed.

#vsshorror #vss365 #vssmystery #vssmagic #flexvss #vsslocation

Nagging Doubts

Nicole sighed. Dragged to another #seance by Nana.

“A spirit has crossed the #barrier between worlds! She has some #advice for you, child.”

“For me?” Nana elbowed her. “I mean, thank you, Madame Esme.”

“#Pack a sweater. The #plane will be chilly.”

Wasn’t that just like Mom?

#vssparanormal #vss365 #366FF #flexvss #vsshumour

Part Of This Complete Breakfast

#Pass the toast, please. Whole #wheat.” “A day of #jaw-dropping boredom working those infernal machines stretches to #infinity before us. Don’t be a #hero. Have a pastry.” “So many adjectives and #nouns at the crack of #dawn. I need coffee.”

#flexvss #vssnature #bravewrite #whistpr #vss365 #vssdaily #converstory #vssmagic

Infernal Machines

“Why the bad #mood?”

“It’s those infernal machines again. They’re stuck on the #delete #cycle and zapping everyone who enters the #parlor. I’m just #grateful no one I like has stopped by.”

“Did the fellow with the newspaper subscription #renewal–?”


#converstory #whistpr #vssmurder #vssmagic #flexvss #bravewrite #vss365

A New Obsession

“You’d better #hurry or you’ll be late for work.”

“I called in sick. That #crude construction wasn’t nearly #squirrel-proof. They’re #cerebral animals. #Sneaky. Ate all the birdseed again. In my backyard #sanctuary! The #glitter just makes the trap pretty.”

“Oh boy.”

#flexvss #vss365 #vssnature #bravewrite #vssdaily #vssmagic #vsschristmas